What people are saying.

  • “But when Pepin begins to pick the strings, it is chill-inducing – an amalgamation of years mastering his craft and an innate radiating talent. People stop what they’re doing to listen and watch Daniel Pepin. He is an entertainer to the core. His showmanship is complete with jokes, banter, and guitar tricks.”

  • “Daniel Pepin is making a name for himself with his Spanish guitar. He plays a musical style of guitar he’s dubbed as Spanish shred. ”

  • “These days he’s serenading audiences across Polk County and beyond with his Spanish guitar skills ranging from melodic to pick-on-fire. ”

    Best of Haven, “Best Musician” 2021

  • We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Daniel Pepin. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Daniel!

    -Bold Journey

  • There is nothing more rewarding than getting your music to the audience that appreciates your art the most.
